Saturday, May 29, 2010

Alright all, I am going to start this blog of my Australian experience. I have been asked by the company I work for to spend the next 6 months on Melbourne Australia. I am looking forward to this experience, minus the part where I have to leave my family behind for such a long time. I know that this will be more difficult on my Wife and 3 kids still left at home to deal with all of lifes strifes on their own. Right now I am in the LAX airport Terminal TBIT. I thought It was a joke at first (kind of like a TBD thing), but it turns out there really is a TBIT terminal. Don't ask me what the acronym stands for, because I can't remember. It is about 7:32 pm Arizona time. So far the trip has been uneventful, except for the brief anxiety attack I had on Southwest airlines when I couldn't remember if I packed my passport. To my delight I did. All of that worry for nothing. Well unless something huge happens in the next little while I will call todays blog entry complete. I will try to upload a picture each day during my visit. I don't have one yet so I will post one when I get one. BTW, I will be posting my next blog on Monday the 31st of May. I will be an entire day ahead of my fellow americans, so don't distress if you think I missed a day.