Saturday, May 29, 2010

Alright all, I am going to start this blog of my Australian experience. I have been asked by the company I work for to spend the next 6 months on Melbourne Australia. I am looking forward to this experience, minus the part where I have to leave my family behind for such a long time. I know that this will be more difficult on my Wife and 3 kids still left at home to deal with all of lifes strifes on their own. Right now I am in the LAX airport Terminal TBIT. I thought It was a joke at first (kind of like a TBD thing), but it turns out there really is a TBIT terminal. Don't ask me what the acronym stands for, because I can't remember. It is about 7:32 pm Arizona time. So far the trip has been uneventful, except for the brief anxiety attack I had on Southwest airlines when I couldn't remember if I packed my passport. To my delight I did. All of that worry for nothing. Well unless something huge happens in the next little while I will call todays blog entry complete. I will try to upload a picture each day during my visit. I don't have one yet so I will post one when I get one. BTW, I will be posting my next blog on Monday the 31st of May. I will be an entire day ahead of my fellow americans, so don't distress if you think I missed a day.


1 comment:

  1. Glad your trip was uneventful. Here are a few things to know about blogging: make up a title because it makes it easier for people to click on your different posts when they follow you. Even if it's just the day you're posting about. Second, make spaces so it's not just one long paragraph, it makes it easier to read.
    Third- use the tags feature so you can group things into subjects and then find blogs later.
